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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Uh-oh: "Serious Flaws" Reported

Yikes! Yesterday, I received some bad news from the main editor at Kregel regarding my novel project. I had completed the first round of revisions, working with another Kregel editor, by the end of February. She gave me lots of little things to fix and asked me to add a couple scenes. It took me a month of Saturdays to meet their deadline due to my regular work schedule.

I had an understanding that a different editor would evaluate the novel again and say whether a second round of revisions is necessary. After all the work I did for the first round of revisions, I couldn't image that I would have much more to do. But this editor apparently reported "serious flaws." Another Kregel is currently evaluating this editor's critique to discern whether these flaws are as serious as he says they are. At this point, I'm not even sure I understand what "serious flaws" are. The plot was nailed down, reviewed, and approved ages ago.

"What is certain, Adam," the main Kregel editor wrote, "is that you still have quite a bit of work ahead of you before the manuscript is publishable quality. You've already shown the desire to publish a quality book, so I'm sure you will rise to the occasion." Later, he said, "This e-mail isn't mean to alarm you; I simply want you to be prepared. Within a couple of weeks we will contact you again, and you'll need to be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work!"

Okay, well, I guess my work isn't over yet. The editor who recommended the first round of revisions was so thorough that I can't imagine anything serious getting past her. I guess I'll wait and see what's up. This isn't news I wanted to hear, but God is still good and has a plan in all of this.

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